Like That
I love videos like this. Creative with no half naked females shaking their Ass-ets. Song is fire too.
I love videos like this. Creative with no half naked females shaking their Ass-ets. Song is fire too.
0 comments Labels: Music
Uhhh don't exactly know what's going on in this pic but I really can't appreciate it. I know Kelis' style has always been different but this is way past ridiculous. The shoes are really slaying me lol.
Remember this Kelis? Love this song btw.
0 comments Labels: WTF Files
Corinne Bailey Rae "I'd Do It All Again"
Corinne Bailey Rae | MySpace Music Videos
I absolutely love this song and video.
0 comments Labels: Video Fab
Drake covers the February/March issue of Complex Magazine.
Nice! Is it me or does Drake have nice lips? Anywhoo his highly anticipated album Thank Me Later drops this Spring.
0 comments Labels: Photoshoots
Another song has been released from Sade's upcoming album Soldier of Love. Link below.
Personally Sade can do no wrong in my book so I love it! New album hits stores and iTunes February 9th.
0 comments Labels: Music
Chenman: A Beijing born photographer/3-D rendering artist.
Her work is Amazing!
0 comments Labels: Photography
Zoe Saldana on her appeal: "Look at me. I'm skinny, I have a big nose, no tits and no ass, but in a room full of beautiful women, I would still leave with the most gorgeous guy."
Well okay then Ms Zoe(who is my my head lol)! She did her thing in Avatar and you can catch her up next in the movie "Takers".
0 comments Labels: Celeb Quotes
This video takes me back!
Looking at this now, these were some "Mannish" little boys lol.
0 comments Labels: Another Bad Creation, Throwback Vid
How the hell did I miss this? Especially being a huge Lupe fan!
Song is FIRE!
0 comments Labels: Lasers
Derek Blanks, best known for his Alter Ego Photos, recently altered the ego of Kenya Moore former Miss America/Actress/Model as a black Barbie and Ken. Not quite understanding the disfigured naked doll at the bottom though.
Slightly scary and weird...yes...but still very creative nonetheless.
0 comments Labels: Photography
The picture above is a replica my mom did of the Grammy painting done by Todd White for the 2006 Grammys. She changed a few things and made the Grammy into a Holy Bible which I thought was pretty cool.
0 comments Labels: Artwork
If you are not from the DC Metropolitan area you may or may not have heard of the puzzling concoction that goes by the name of "Mambo Sauce". So what is it exactly?
A mysteriously addictive red sauce served with fried chicken and fries at Chinese carry outs in the Washington D.C. area.(Not to be confused with Ketchup)
0 comments Labels: Random DC Cuisine
0 comments Labels: Coming Soon, New Music
I.Can't.Wait for this movie! Two of my favorites, Johnny Depp and Tim Burton. Not to mention the original cartoon version was one of my faves growing up. I will be taking my daughter to see this. It shouldn't be too scary for a five year old right?
0 comments Labels: At The Movies, Coming Soon
We as black people have come a long way. The election of our first black president has proven just how far we've come. But in my opinion we still have much farther to go. I wonder how proud Dr. King would be today of the state of Black America if he were still living? Check out the video below of an episode of The Boondocks where Dr. King addresses this very thing.
Think about it!
0 comments Labels: Happy Birthday
This guy is beyond dope! Now I draw but I still wish I had just a smidgen of his talent. Sade
Check out this video of him painting Tina Turner.
TIna Turner- Bold Soul Sister (Dr.EZ Remix) from Steven Lopez on Vimeo.
0 comments Labels: Artwork
There's been so much tragedy going on in the world lately. Sometimes it's hard for some of us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So I'm just posting this in hopes of making someone smile today. And just know that through hope, prayer, and maybe....just maybe....Brother Franklin's praise dance, things will get better.
If this didn't make you LOL then I don't know what to say!
And don't forget to keep praying for Haiti. Give a donation if you can.
I’m a soldier of love
Everyday of my life
I’m a soldier of love
All the days of my life
This song is so deep on so many levels. And is it just me or does Sade NOT age? She's a baaaad chick!
0 comments Labels: Sade
Happy Birthday to Aaliyah. Today would have been her 31st Birthday. She is and always will be missed.
One of my fave songs and video.
0 comments Labels: RIP
There’s been a lot of coverage in the media as of late about celebrity men and their “jumpoffs”. I personally never understood cheating. But maybe if more men got their asses whooped like this they would think twice…
LMAO at Never Gonna Give You Up playing in the background
Power is such a strange thing
It has been owned by many great Kings and Queens
Conquered nations and divided lands
Killed many innocent by it's hands
It's been disguised as freedom on many soil
But used to destroy for such things as oil
Turning parents against children, sister against brother
Pitting husband against wife, lover against lover
You see power always has to be controlled
To keep at bay the ones who are bold
Enough to not use it at their discretion
and know that power can be a curse and a blessing
I wrote this a while ago.
0 comments Labels: Poetry
Haven't been on my own blog in almost a year, sad I know, but I've been busy. But now I'm back. I've decided that I'm going to get serious about my writing this year. So I'll be back posting random ish that interests me mixed with some of my fiction stories and poetry I've been writing since forever sprinkled with some of my artwork. Sort of like a smorgasbord of creativity. So to whoever is reading I hope you enjoy!
We’ve all been there. Freshly graduated from high school and getting ready to enter that institution of Higher Learning in the sky. That’s right, The Freshman Year! Otherwise known as the best year in college, well at least for me it was. My freshman year was THE BEST. And not just because I was away from the parentals and felt like an actual adult for the first time in my life. But we had soooo much fun. A little bit too much fun for some people.
So the summer before I left I had to fill out my dormitory forms. I attended Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA as an art student. There were only two freshman dorms and I was told they usually roomed you with people with similar majors which was cool. So I picked Rhodes Hall with one roommate. But when I get my housing assignment I got Johnson Hall with TWO roommates, yes a triple room *wtf*! So I get there at the end of August, when it still hot, to find out that the dorm had no AC AND it was co-ed. Even number floors were for the girls and odd number floors for the boys.
Let’s move on to the roommates. Roommate number one seemed like a sweet girl. Until she had her bf sleep over the FIRST night we got there and had sex with him in her bed while my other roommate and I were in the room. Oh we had a tude with her for a long time. She ended up pregnant by the end of the spring semester. Go figure.
Roommate number two was cool at first as well. Until I found out she was a walking STD! Her bf comes down one weekend and gives her chlamydia. Then she sleeps with some other guy who gives it to her again. Then about two weeks before the end of spring semester she tells me that she keeps finding ticks on her leg. This beesh had crabs! So I kindly pack up my shiz and move into my friend’s room. Oh but it gets better, the day after I left for the summer some dude she’s “dating” robs her in our dorm room. I'm so serious lol.
Then of course there were the certain floors that were deemed the “crabs floor” where you didn’t wash any of your clothes. The pregnant stripper hat lived down the hall that stripped at the Red Light Inn around the corner *I’m not kidding lol*. The homeless people that tried to sell us the “Hard Times” newspaper then got mad when you didn’t buy it. The pizza delivery men that had to nerve to catch an attitude when you didn’t give them a tip. Going to McDonalds and praying you still had money left on your meal card.
Then there were late night fire drills that some fool thought it was hilarious to keep pulling the fire alarm every night during spring semester making me miss my 8am art history class. They pulled it so much that we stopped going outside for the drills and the fire department said they would stop showing up if it kept being pulled.
Experiencing my first frat party and step show. Getting woken up late at night by some drunk yt dude trying to get into our room because he was too drunk to realize that he was on the wrong floor. Going to my first ever Black College Weekend at Kings Dominion. The twenty-something cutie that tried to holla at me, making me think I was grown, but I passed on him for this fool in my dorm that I was so in love with that didn’t love me. *sigh* Good Times.
0 comments Labels: College
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