Year In Review 08 Edition
2008 has been one very interesting year. A lot of ish has gone down, good and bad, so lets take a moment to revisit some of the biggest stories of 08.
The Housing Market Crisis
The housing Market crisis really hit a new low in 08 with foreclosures getting out of control. Houses were being sold on eBay for a buck! And people were and still are losing their homes left and right. All on the back of shady lenders giving home loans to people they knew couldn't afford the mortgage *smh*.
Economic StimulusGeorge Dub-ya finally admitted that the nation was in financial trouble and decided to give every American(who qualified) an economic stimulus rebate check. Either you got 600 if you were single, 1200 per married couple and an additional 300 per child or if you’re like me you got nathin and still waiting on that ish, bastids! This however failed to boost the economy but hey….it was free money!
RIPWe lost a lot of great entertainers this year. From Heath Ledger and Estelle Getty to Bernie Mac aka Uncle Bernie *I still tear up at episodes of Bernie Mac Show* and Isaac Hayes. RIP.
The Big BailoutAfter phucking up peoples monies for years the ish finally hit the fan with the failing housing market and economy causing big banks like Bank of America ,Citi Group and JP Morgan Chase to go crawling on their hands and knees to the government for them to bail them out. And what did the govment do? Bail them beeshes out! 750 billion to be exact.
McCain Palin 08After realizing that he may not have a chance to win the presidency, McCain tried to pull a "power move" and announced that his VP running mate would be a no name former beauty queen, hawky mom building bridges to nowhere in Alaska, 17 year old daughter getting pregnant having, glasses wearing, winking at the camera, Peggy Hill lookin girl named Sarah Palin. Not even McCain would listen to his advisors that told him hell naw to picking her. But hey it all worked out in the end didn’t it *winks* !
Bigga WeddingAfter being together for about 40 years Jay put a ring on it and they FINALLY decided to jump the broom. They even had an elaborate ceremony that they tried to hide and took months for them to finally admit they were indeed married and publically wear their wedding rings. Like we really cared...
Chrianna and NariahWe also saw the birth of Chrianna and Nariah. I guess Rhi Rhi finally got the point the Bey was not gonna allow Jay to stand under her umber-ella so she settled for someone her own age. And who would have thought the low budget Will Smith of comedy would snag Mariah!
Gas PricesGas prices reached an all time high at $5 dollars in some areas this year. But thankfully it has recently fallen to below two dollars in the past three months. The lowest since 04 I believe. Hallelu-yer!
Jhud TragedyWho could forget the tragic saga of Jenn Hudson and the loss of her mom, brother and nephew at the hand of her sister’s husband. I think we were all on the edge of our seats when the search went on for her kidnapped nephew who was tragically found dead a couple days later.
Real Housewives of ATLFinally we got a black version of the RH series in the Real Houswives of ATL. It was supposed to be a look inside the black elite of the ATL. The drama and pure foolishness did keep us entertained. From NeNe and her keeping it real attitude and her geigh bf Dwight to Kim and her rendition of "Tight Rope". Too bad they had to phuck it all up with frontin. How dreadful!
Yes We Did!And of course the biggest thing of the year was Barack Obama wining the presidency of the US. History was made this year and the US is forever changed so get used to it YT! Years from now when I think back to where I was and what I was doing on that momentous moment I will always think about my fellow MS-ers and the MS Party Line. *Tears up* Now bring on the Inaugeration beeshes!!
With a year like this I can't imagine what 09 has in store
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