It's Baaaaaack
Finally! Boondocks Season 3 is scheduled to air Sunday May 2nd at 11:30 on Adult Swim. YES!!! The re-runs have been tiding me over but I'm ready for the new season. But until then Adult Swim has teamed up with T-Pain for a new show called Freaknik the Musical. I watched it Sunday night and spent most of the time trying to figure out which rapper was the voice of the characters since it seems like EVERY relevant rapper is doing a voice in this. The show had it's funny moments, especially the "Boule" made up of Oprah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Bill Cosby and Russell Simmons. And of course there was the signature T-Pain Auto-Tune overload. Check out the clip below.
"Stimulatate they minds and baby chutes"
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