Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bathroom Etiquette

If you’re anything like me, you HATE using public restrooms. Sometimes I’ll wait for hours just to use a clean bathroom in the comfort of my home. I don’t know about men’s restrooms but the women’s are just plain nasky! Seriously, it’s like no one taught them proper bathroom etiquette. Well I’m here to help. Here’s my very own list of do’s and dont’s in el bano:

Do: Give a courtesy flush while doing #2. I mean you can smell that ish and know it stinks, do you really want other’s in the bathroom to suffer too?

Don’t: Leave pee on the toilet seat. You don’t do that at home, so wipe that ish off!

Do: Make sure you properly dispose of feminine hygiene products. Looking at my own is traumatizing enough, I don’t need to see yours!

Don’t: Take any food items into the bathroom or they will be infected with nasky bathroom germs and deemed inedible.

Do: Make sure you use a toilet seat cover if you can’t squat or have to do #2. And to be extra careful none of your skin touches any of the toilet seat, place some toilet tissue over any parts the seat cover doesn’t reach.

Don’t: Leave pubic hair on the seat. It’s disgusting!

Do(Extremely Important): Wash your hands before exiting the bathroom. And if you see someone about to leave out who didn’t wash their hands, make it a point to either say “You not gonna wash your hands?” or if your are too afraid to do that get a good look at them so in the future you can avoid anything they touch and tell everybody you know how nasky “such and such” is cause they don’t wash their hands!

Don’t: touch the door handle on the way out. Grab the handle with a napkin. The lady who didn’t wash her hand just touched it!

I’m getting nauseas just typing all of this. But following these simple rules will make your bathroom experience slightly more tolerable. Maybe I should anonymously post this on the bathroom door at work.