Monday, September 29, 2008

Jury Duty

Today I had to perform my “civic duty” and go to Jury Duty. I was so pissed last night when I had to call that 1-800 number to see if I had to report and they called my number. The last time I had to actually go to the court house to serve was when I was 21 and I’m 28 now! Then they want you there at 7:30 and make you sit for almost 2 hours before they start calling people for a panel to go to the actual court room for jury selection. And of course my name gets called for a civil case. So as we’re sitting in the courtroom I’m keeping a serious mean mug on my face so they attorney’s would be like “we’re not picking her, she look mean and like she’ll vote guilty no matter what”. Well it seemed to work because I didn’t get pick, hallelu-jer! But they did pick a lady who said tomorrow was supposed to be her first day at her new job and another lady who said her husband was the only one working and she had to stay home and take care of her two year old. That was foul. And the case was gonna be three to four days! Aww well Jury Duty can now, like the Senate Insurance commercials, Kiss My Bumper…Just Kiss It ahhhhahahahaha! For the next three years at least.