Whenever I work from home I have a chance to see certain commercials that air during the week, during the Jerry and Maury hours, that you don't get to see on the weekends. One of which is the Everest College commercials. Boy they sure know how to make a non-job having living in their momma basement slacker feel like crap.
Most commercials begin with a person of color *figures* basically saying this: "I know you sitting home on the couch cause you ain't got sh*t else to do so you might as well make something of your pathetic life and go to school" *smhlmao*!
The best one I've seen has to be with the light skinned chick, whom I swear I went to school with, saying "ladies you gotta hold down the household right? You gotta pay the bills right? Hellooooo I had a child young and I did it so get yo ass up and call right now cause if I did it so can you." I seriously think she needs to be a motivational speaker!
Now I'm not knocking Everest, since I'm pretty sure it has good programs, I'm just knocking their advertising/marketing approach. Don't think calling someone is a loser that needs to get off their ass and go to school is the right strategy......or is it? Hmmmm.....
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