Monday, January 26, 2009

Maybe I'm a Lil Slow

This commercial has vexed me ever since the first time it came across my tv screen.


A $25 gift card at Foreman Mills*google it* goes to the first person that can explain just what the hell is going on here.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Ummmm, I don't get it but this is what they said on the youtube site. Can I have my giftcard now? lol

    Skittles Commercial- Have you ever thought when you are being tailored to fit a new suit, each mirror brings a different perspective of your life? Well, this guy had one perspective where Skittles was very important. One perspective was African-American, the other perspective was Hispanic, and the other one was Asian, Filipino to be exact.

    The language spoken in the mirror is Tagalog, but the Tailor is speaking Thai.