Monday, April 19, 2010

Top 5 Reasons Why I Didn't Like Why Did I Get Married Too

Top 5 reasons why I didn’t like this movie:

5) My thoughts on marriage are as followed: “Don’t do it…Reconsider…Read some Litera-Ture on the subject…”
4) Tyler Perry is not a good actor nor director
3) Certain scenes were too long and drawn out, not funny when meant to be and just plain ol odd. Like the Drag Queen jumping out the cake....
2) Tasha Smith’s character was too dramatical(yes that is a word). I really enjoyed her in the first one but in this she was too over the top. It was really unnecessary.
1) Dwayne Johnson at the end was totally random. I mean I love me some “The Rock” but it was just strange him appearing in the last five minutes.

BUT I will admit Janet did a hell of a job.

Whoo child!