Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where have all the R&B Groups Gone?

I sometimes weep for the younger generation(under 21) as far as their music choices nowadays. Yes there are a few singers/rappers making good music that the younger crowd can relate to but where are the GOOD R&B Groups? I'm a 80's baby that grew up in the 90's where we had REAL groups like 112, Dru Hill, The Original Destiny's Child, Immature, SWV, Escape, the list goes on. You ask anyone under the age of 21 who Soul For Real is they will give you the WTF face!

*side-note-This ^^^ was the sh*t!

Who do they have now?..............Yeah no one. This makes me sad. Are R&B Groups really dead and gone(no JT)?!? I heard Dru Hill is releasing a new album titled Indrupendence Day dropping soon. Can they bring back the classic R&B Group??

Ummm maybe not. *sigh* then *weeps*