Monday, February 1, 2010

Classic Movies

February is the month dedicated to the history of African-Americans in this country otherwise known as Black History Month. So I thought I would do various posts throughout the month of some of my favorite black movies. First up is one of my all time faves Carmen Jones starring Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte. If you've never seen this movie I demand that you go to your nearest Blockbuster/Hollywood Video or add this to your Netflix Que! It's one of THE ultimate tragic love stories.

Summary: At an all-black army camp, civilian parachute maker and "hot bundle" Carmen Jones is desired by many of the men. Naturally, she wants Joe, who's engaged to sweet Cindy Lou and about to go into pilot training for the Korean War. Going after him, she succeeds only in getting him into the stockade. While she awaits his release, trouble approaches for both of them.

Wasn't Dorothy a total Betty!