Monday, December 29, 2008


I like millions of others was so elated on the night of Nov 4th when we found out that Barack Obama would be our next president. And I was even more excited at the thought of the events that will be taking place between Jan 16-20 2009: the Inaugural Parties and Balls! Every black celebrity will be in town for the festivities. And I was going to make sure I was up in the mix at somebodies party/ball. That was until I saw the ridiculous prices some people are trying to charge to party like a rockstar!!!

Case in point, I saw this website for the Hip Hop Inaugural Ball: Celebrating the Inauguration of Barack Obama And The Hip Hop Community for Inspiring the Transformation of America *side-eye*. Really? Inspiring the transformation of America huh? Ummmkaaay, but anyway I was excited because this sounded like this was the party to be at, besides the actual balls BO will personally be attending. That was until I saw the ticket prices.

250 Pre Sale Sold Out *Of Course*
500 Limited *Your Kidding Me Right?*
1000 General *What the Hell?!*
2500 VIP *WTF?!?*

I guess someone missed the memo that we are in a recession. I mean seriously 2500g's? Barack, Michelle, Oprah, Stedman, Will Smith and Jada, Ronnie Bobby Rickey AND Mike all better be up in that piece! I have a feeling people are still trying to cash in on Obama Mania and that's just wrong. Barack would NOT be pleased!

So I guess I'll just settle for the Parade with the other thousands of people on the 20th. I wonder will the federal government be closed? Another free holiday.....SCORE!